Tuesday, August 24, 2010

True Love

What is true love? How can you say that you love someone else? Base to my research, Love is emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of god. You can say that you love someone if you don't want to live it and you want she/he is always their in your side.

Many people say that love is blind. They say that love is blind because they don't see what is the real love because many of them was ignore the people who love them. For me, love is not blind it sees all but it doesn't mind. Don't focus yourself to only one person who doesn't love you. Open your heart and find another one who is more that to him/her and who will love you with all of his/her heart.

We have a  many kinds of love.Ideally, we find Romantic love between one man and one woman. We write poetry about it. It may end beautifully or tragically. We get to know each other in order to form a lasting and mutual relationship. We can find an example of a romantic love in marriages that last even into old age. Most marriages start out with romantic love, but only the strongest are those that last. Successful marriages developed into quite a different kind of love.
Lustful love usually ends up hurting someone. It’s the one mentioned in the Bible with David and Bathsheba. David sent Uriah into full account of the battle so he would die. Lustful love is the kind that ruins lives and reputations. We find it in adultery and fornication. It cares only about sex. Now I do not want to hurt anyone. I just want to expose a very dangerous happening that we falsely called love.
Selfish love cannot be legitimate, unless it comes from the Almighty. People are not perfect enough for it and so we cannot demand it. God insists on it for Himself. He wants our whole devotion so we can live a high-quality life. You see He wants the best for us. The Bible is about His selfish love, and only He can require it. There is nothing greater than this love. If we give unselfish love to Him, we will live as Christ lived. This is probably beyond our abilities. That is why Christ died for our sins.
Friendship love is a caring love. Ideally, we find it everywhere. Found in all peaceful relationships. We find it between all kinds of people and even between people and animals. It is a special love that has no demands or conditions. We all should form one with each other. It is what Jonathan had for David, while Saul was trying to kill David in a jealous rage. We find it in the commandments and in the second greatest commandment ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Found in Matthew 22:37-40.)
Smothering love is the kind that demands constant attention. One will not let another have a life. We see it when one person wants to tie him self or her self to another human being and will not let them out of their sight. It seems like harassment. It comes from a very needy person, one who has not resolved issues, especially childhood abandonment and neglect. These people need professional help and prayer. Be kind but firm with them. Abuse only makes this kind of love worse. These persons have already suffered too much. Smothering love is not hopeless if the person can accept Biblical instruction and/or proper professional help.
Tough love is a love needed to bring up a child into a psychologically healthy adult. It lets child learn from his or her mistakes, and they have us as shoulders to lean on and to give them support. It is an unconditional love. It is the kind of love given by the Almighty, when we mess up. We find it in the New Testament. Jesus showed us this love by example.
Childish love is what children have for their parents. It is a needy love, but we cannot compare it with smothering love. Childish love can become independent and strong. Strength lives there that we cannot find in the other. It only needs awakened and developed through example, nurturing, and instruction, and as the child matures, he or she develops an unconditional love for others.
Unrequited love was what Christ had when He died for our sins. We find it in some broken marriages, the prodigal son or daughter, and in one-way friendship. It, like lustful love, is hurtful. Only here, we see a victim, the one who offers unconditional love and does not receive it.
Popularity love is gained with the promise that with associating with that person, you will profit. We call them fair weather friends. He or she soon disappears when life has given the love one a few hardships. Peter had this kind of love, when he denied Christ three times. Thankfully, he overcame it and developed agape love. If he had not, we would not be reading first and second Peter in the New Testament.
Godly love is a perfect love. It is the love that is willing to go so far as to give up ones' life for another. Very few people can attain such love. It is all that is good in all the other loves. Most of the disciples attained it. Others have attained it, but only God knows who all of them are.
Now, you are probably wondering who I am. Am I qualified to write about such a subject as love? I have lived a long life, worked thirty years, was a teacher and now I am a retired one. I am a sister, a wife, a friend, and a daughter. I grew up with parents whose parents abused and neglected them. Their homes became battlegrounds. Their parents passed them off to different children's homes, brought them back when they were old enough to work. The children either ran away or were locked out of their homes. I observed the result of these various kinds of love first hand in my parents’ lives and in the lives of some of the children that I have taught. I have also studied God’s love and have seen it demonstrated within religious organizations. Some split or destroy their reputation by ruining the lives of the innocent and by causing heartache and discouragement. However, some do demonstrate Godly love, by building up, bringing growth and peace, and by encouraging their members to live agape love.

"What is true love?" I ask myself, but i can't answer myself about that. Then I ask my friend, and my friend answer me, "The true love is when you shed a tear and still want him. It's when he ignores you and you still love him, It's when he love another but you still smile and say " I'm happy for you" but deep in side you get hurt." Then I ash her again, "Why can't true love is when he doesn't hurt me when I hurt him, his silent even when I'm screaming, he will think clearly even if he is confused and will not let go when I release him?" And she will not answer my question because they don't know the right definition of true love. until now I don't know the right definition of true love all I know is to make some love to others.

When having a true love you will make a hard decision or sacrifice what you have in life. When I have a love one it makes me challenge in choosing what I want. Sometimes they ask me between him and my friends. It's hard for me in choosing. I choose him because all I know that he is my true love. And my friends became mad at me. Sometimes I don't have enough of  time to my family because of him. love is really sacrifice, because all my important at me has gone because of love. When the time has come I open my mind and I realized what I've done. And that time I will going to breaking up with him.

Making a decision that time is very hard for me. Sometimes I had a mistakes in choosing what is the right thing to do. But every mistakes I've made it has a moral lesson. And every mistakes I made, make me think, make me realize what I've had, what I've lost, what I've taken for granted they make me realized that sometimes there are no next times, no time-outs, and no second chances. This is the lesson I've learned.

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